Kabogoza Joseph

In charge of lobbying and advocating for the organization work

Bwanika Charles

In charge of strategizing and coordination of the organization work

Kitone Edward Tonny

Coordinates the operations in the finance department

Anne Smith

Lobbying and advocating for the organization work in the UK

Kayemba Ibra

Provides expert advise in project planning and management

Nandawula Maureen

In charge of specific programs as due

Nalubega Fridah

In charge of Logistics management

Nassaka Caroline

In charge of child protection programs

Kivumbi Ronald

In charge of programs executive duties

Matovu Julius

In charge of youth empowerment projects and programs

Komungaro Moureen Mirab

Volunteers on specific projects and programs

Katushabe Hope

Volunteers on specific projects and programs

Dorcus Asiimwe

She volunteers on specific programs and projects